Mohammed EL ADOUI

Ph.D in Computer science engineering | Cyber Security Manager | Sr. Data Scientist | University Lecturer

About me

Holder of a PhD degree in engineering science and technology since March 2021 from the Faculty of Engineering (Umons - Belgium), and previously, post-doctoral researcher at the ILIA lab (Informatique, Logiciel et Intelligence artificielle) of the University of MONS. I am also scientific and teaching collaborator in field of Artificial Intelligence, Multimedia Processing, and Programming Languages.
Between March 2022 and November 2023 I was postdoctoral researcher at the Faculty of Computer Science of the University of Namur. I worked in direct collaboration with industrial company ( VOCSenS) and the Walloon region to calibrate low-cost gas sensors using new machine learning algorithms. The purpose of this postdoctoral research is to define, design and evaluate machine learning models to calibrate sensors to predict gas concentrations in the environment.
Currently and since novomber 2023, I am managing the IT security in Parliament of FC in Belgium. In this role, I manage the strategic, technological, organizational, and administrative aspects of Cybersecurity of the Parliament.


Work Emails (Main work)
Personal Email
0032 2 282 86 48
0032 466 403 456
72, Rue Royale, 1000, Brussels

Visit my profile in previous companies


Cyber Security Management
Machine learning
Image and Video processing
Team Management
Vulnerability/Risk Assessment


Cyber Security Manager Parliament of FWB - Belgium state (BE)
01/11/2023 - Current (Permanent contract)
As lead of IT security in parliament of FWB in Belgium, I manage the strategic, technological, organizational, and administrative aspects of Cybersecurity. My Mean activities are : - Define the governance, roles, and responsibilities related to security.
- Define the strategic security roadmap aligned with the parliament objectives.
- Define and update the security reference framework, including charters, policies, standards, and plans (such as continuity, incident response, vulnerability management, etc.).
- Contribute to security awareness within the Parliament.
- Coordinate the management of security incidents and privacy-related incidents.
- Participate and validate the risk assessment, vulnerability assessment, security events, and privacy impact assessments.
Senior Machine Learning Engineer and Postdoctoral Researcher Faculty of Computer Science - University of Namur (BE)
01/03/2022 - 31/10/2023
The purpose of this position is to work directly with an industrial partner to find real solutions for predicting gas concentration using specific low-energy consuming sensors. I use principally machine learning techniques applied to time-series datasets. This work is carried out in partnership with the company VOCSenS located in Louvain la neuf
Postdoctoral Researcher and Reaching Assistant Faculty of Engineering - University of Mons (BE)
23/03/2021 - 14/09/2022
After the completion of my PhD, my ultimate goal in my new position is to pursue additional research, training, and teaching to improve my skills in AI. My current activities are the continuation of the improvement of my re-search results in order to make them more accessible and transparent by the various partners. My first task was to apply new artificial intelligence methods for the explainability and interpretability of AI results
External engineer and researcher Case Western Reserve University - Cleveland (OH - USA)
01/01/2019 - 20/12/2019
During this internship, a large part of my doctoral thesis work was carried out thanks to the collaboration with Cleveland Clinic and the host department. Especially at the acquisition level of the data used which made to launch the necessary tests for the validation of the proposed methods. The results have been published in several scientific papers in partnership with Cases researchers. Other paper are still in submission and review.
University Teaching and Research Assistant Faculty of Engineering - the University of Mons (BE)
01/11/2015 - 23/03/2021
As a teaching assistant, I participated in the writing and supervision of exercises projects, and practical work related to the subjects of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Advanced Deep Learning, Object-oriented programming, Internet of Objects (IoT), Mobile and Web technologies, Artificial vision, multimedia processing, and basic management of data.
At the scientific research level, several purposes have been achieved, such as the development of new methods and technologies for predicting the response of breast cancer to chemotherapy based on imaging and deep learning. These researches findings have been published in journals and presented in many conferences over the world. This work led to the defense of my doctoral thesis in engineering sciences and technology.
Intern Engineer Jules Bordet Institute - Brussels (BE)
01/01/2016 - 20/12/2016
Thanks to this internship, the medical issues of the thesis were understood and mastered. This made to provide more solid solutions in partnership with radiologists and specialists.


Ph.D. Of Engineering Sciences And Technology Faculty Of Engineering - University Of Mons (BE)
2016 - 2021
During my doctoral thesis, I mainly worked in collaboration with several national and international health institutes to predict the breast tumor's response to chemotherapy treatment. New imaging and deep learning techniques were applied and the results reached high accuracy which led to publishing in quality international journals and conferences.
Master Degree In Computer Sciences & Image Processing Faculty Of Sciences - Fez (MA)
2013 - 2015
This diploma was obtained with high distinction (16/20).It was a high level training in the field of applied computing, It allow to train computer scientists in the engineering profession and researchers in the field of computer science, computer graphics, image synthesis, information system, medical imaging, image transmission etc. It also aims to train in the field of modeling and design of complex architectural information systems, and additional training for better integration of students within companies
Bachelor Degree In Mathematical and Computer ScienceFaculty Of Science - Oujda (MA)
2010 - 2013
This diploma was obtained with distinction (16/20).The Mathematical and Computer Sciences branch provide theoretical and practical training in computer science wich allow students to continue their graduate studies in Master and To meet the needs of the socio-economic environment in middle management in Computer science. The theoretical and practical nature of this training allows the graduates to be immediately operational after the end of their study.


Constrained ML to calibrate Low-cost Gas Sensors
Faculty Of Computer Science - University Of Namur (BE) & VocSens company
03/2022 - 02/2025
Explainable AI for Medical Imaging
Faculty Of Engineering - University Of Mons (BE) & Case Western Reserve University (USA)
12/2018 - 03/2021
The prediction Of breast cancer response to chemotherapy by Deep Learning and Image processing
Faculty Of Engineering - University Of Mons (BE) & Case Western Reserve University (USA)
01/2016 - 03/2021
NAO body imitation
Faculty Of Engineering - University Of Mons (BE)
07/2018 - 09/2018
Cloud-based Toolbox for Computer Vision
Faculty Of Engineering - University Of Mons (BE)
07/2016 - 08/2017


Constrained Tiny Machine Learning For Predicting Gas Concentration with I4.0 Low-cost Sensors
Mohammed El Adoui et al.
Industrial and Medical Anomaly Detection Through Cycle-Consistent Adversarial Networks
Arnaud Bougaham, Valentin Delchevalerie, Mohammed El Adoui et al.
Explainable deep learning approach to predict chemotherapy effect on breast tumors MRI
Mohammed El Adoui et al.
Composite Score for Anomaly Detection in Imbalanced Real-World Industrial Dataset
Arnaud Bougaham, Mohammed El Adoui et al.
New Explainable Deep Cnn Design For Classifying Breast Tumor Response Over Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy
Journal of Current Medical Imaging
Mohammed El Adoui et al.
Towards Breast Cancer Response Prediction using Artificial Intelligence and Radiomics
IEEE 5th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Artificial Intelligence
Mohammed El Adoui et al.
Multi-input deep learning architecture for predicting breast tumor response to chemotherapy using quantitative MR images
SPringer International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery
Mohammed El Adoui, et al.
Deep learning-based prediction of response to HER2-targeted neoadjuvant chemotherapy from pre-treatment dynamic breast MRI: a multi-institutional validation study
Nature Communication
Mohammed El Adoui, et al.
MRI breast tumor segmentation using different encoder and decoder CNN architectures
Computers Journal
Mohammed El Adoui, et al.
Development and external validation of a deep learning model for predicting response to HER2-targeted neoadjuvant therapy from pretreatment breast MRI.
Journal of Clinical Oncology
Mohammed El Adoui, et al.
Automated breast tumor segmentation in DCE-MRI using deep learning.
IEEE 4th International Conference on Cloud Computing Technologies and Applications
Mohammed El Adoui, et al.
A PRM approach for early prediction of breast cancer response to chemotherapy based on registered MR images.
International journal of computer assisted radiology and surgery.
Mohammed El Adoui, et al.
Real time web-based toolbox for computer vision.
Journal of Science and Technology of the Arts.
Mohammed El Adoui, et al.
Internet of things: Learning and practices. application to smart home.
IEEE International Conference on Advanced Communication Technologies and Networking.
Mohammed El Adoui, et al.
Breast Cancer Heterogeneity Analysis as Index of Response to Treatment Using MRI Images: A Review.
Journal of imaging in Medecine.
Mohammed El Adoui, et al.


Data Analytics Project
Feature engineering
Data visualization
Machine Learning
Graph Mining
Artificial Intelligence
Multi Agent Systems
Machine Learning
Deep Learning (CNN)
Advanced Deep Learning
Multimedia processing
Feature extraction
Image indexation
Deep learning image indexation
Data modeling
Database management systems.
Mobile Applications programming
Flask, Flutter
Android and IOS programming;g
React native.
Object Oriented programming (C++)
Design of algorithm;
Fundamental C++ programming.
Projects supervision
Projects using Deep Learning
Projects using image processing
Projects of robots programming


Native seconde Languge
Professional - Expert in writing and speaking


+32 (0)4 66 40 34 56
+32 (0)2 28 28 648

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